Recipe for Family Coffee

Recipe for Family Coffee


Materials and Ingredients:

coffee One glass mug

Microwave (1)

Folger's ground coffee

1 tablespoon

milk Milk




Caution !
When finished making,
Contents may be Hot!
Let cool !!!



  1. Get out Ingredients and materials from cupboard or store.

  2. Fill mug with water, (any tempature, tap or regular).

  3. Put water filled mug in microwave for two to three minutes.

  4. Press start on microwave.

  5. When microwave dings to tell you it's done, take it out of microwave.

  6. Get Folger's ground coffee.

  7. Get out your 1 tablespoon.

  8. Scoop out with your spoon 2 to 2 1/2 tablespoons of Folger's ground coffee.

  9. Pour these contents of Folger's Coffee into hot water filled mug.

  10. Stir constantly until contents have dissolved.

  11. Add to coffee mug with contents, pour 1 tablespoon of sugar into mug.

  12. Add two tablespoons of milk and stir constantly for 30 seconds.

  13. Drink ! ! Bottoms up ! ! !


Also !
If not liked go
back to your regular


Enjoy !


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