Wednesday began as a very normal day. We got our food and treats in the morning and mama went off to work in a hurry. Well, Sundae wasn't her normal self. Most of the time she just sat in the corner being cranky. You see, mama had been giving her this medicine for a week and she didn't like it. Truffles and I didn't dare bother her.
Mama came home from work early and took Sundae to Dr. Jenkins. Mama thought she wasn't doing as well and wanted him to look at her. Mama came back happy and told us that Dr. Jenkins said Sundae was getting better. We were all relieved. Sundae ate a little and took a nap.
That night, mama took Sundae out to give her her medicine. While she was taking her medicine, Sundae started shaking. Mama tried to calm her down, but she saw that something was wrong. Mama put Sundae in with us and I could tell that something was really wrong. Mama called the vet and asked her to come in to examine Sundae. It was after hours so the vet had to get called in special-like.
Mama came home crying and told us to send happy thoughts to Sundae. She was going to have surgery that night. We sent our happy thoughts to Sundae and hoped she would be back in the morning. Dr. Davidson then called mama and told her that Sundae was too weak for surgery that night and that she would be treated with medicine. They would do the surgery in the morning if Sundae felt better. A few minutes later, Dr. Davidson called and told us that Sundae passed away.
I will really miss my friend. She taught me all the things a cavy needs to know. Now all I have left of her are memories. Here is a tribute from one of the people who knew Sundae the longest, our mama .
Hi. This is Wheeker. I don't usually write much. I usually do all of the eating and Sundae did all of the writing. But since she can't take on the writing anymore and I'm the oldest, it's my job to tell you about what happened a few days ago.
Life does go on. We went out to
look at cavies today after Wheeker
posted about Sundae and we found
this beautiful girl that captured
our hearts immediately. We are
still grieving for Sundae, but we
are also happy to announce
the arrival of our newest
family member. She is currently
nameless, but as you can tell by
her picture, she definitely is not
without lots of personality. She
currently lives alone since we do
not know the condition of her
health. She does look very
healthy, though.
She is quite fearless ...
except when a car
passes by. Then she
hides under my leg.
She does not know
that the grass is
supposed to be eaten,
but I am sure that
when we let her run
with Wheeker and
Truffles that she
will soon take their
lead and start
munching. She has a
good head on her
shoulders. She is
inquisitive, but she
also is wary about
the things around her.
She is not very comfortable
sitting in our laps, but she
tolerates it well. She likes
to bolt like most baby cavies,
so we have to be on the alert
so she does not jump off onto
the floor.
She is about a month old and
weighs 330 grams (11.6 oz.).
We appreciated all of the
names you suggested for
Truffles. If you would like to
give name suggestions for this
little jewel, please e-mail
us at
As of April 13, 1997, here's a list of the name suggestions received for our newest buddy:
-- Submitted by Audrey and Gwen
Abbie (It doesn't go with the others' names, but it kinda fits.)
-- Submitted by Jaclyn Pinkham
Praline (in keeping with the ice cream theme)
-- Submitted by Todd & Blackcomb
Moonlight (she looks like shadows in moonlight)
-- Submitted by Maryann
Zoe (means life in Greek)
-- Submitted by Dale and the Mad Scramblers
Button because she's as cute as a button.
Jewel because you called her a little Jewel.
Lily because it's such a pretty name.
-- Submitted by Alli
-- Submitted by tbsm@NorthState.Net
Jewel (you called her a little jewel, and that's exactly what I think you should call her)
-- Submitted by Lori and the zoo
Sherbert (hmm, or Sherbear? *g*)
-- Submitted by Lynsey
Honey-Nut Cheerios
Powered Donut
-- Submitted by Patches and Bailey
Olga da Polga (shortened to Polly)
-- Submitted by Chris Nicole
Jewel (I think you have named her already)
-- Submitted by Terri
Sundae (name your Guinea Pig after your old one)
-- Submitted by
Jewel (she is precious)
-- Submitted by Alice Dawson and the Winkeroos
How about the names of the characters in Madame Butterfly, the opera???
Perhaps some of your church friends could come up with a list of words/names???
Some flowers in Japanese might be nice too, or some kind of greeting, like "moshi-moshi"----->abbreviated to "moshi"???
-- Submitted by Phoebe and Calliope
-- Submitted by April
-- Submitted by Michael Clinesmith
-- Submitted by V. L. Johnson
No, I am not advertising cookies to the Internet community; however, I would like to introduce you to someone who is sweeter than any cookie I have ever tasted. I would like to thank you for all your name suggestions for our newest buddy. After trying out several of them (and some of our own), our baby has been named after one of my favorite cookies.
Wheeker, Truffles, and their humans are pleased to introduce Chesapeake to the Internet community. If you would like to see the first video of Chesapeake ever filmed, click here or click on the cookies after which she was named. Warning: this file is 5 MB.
Chesapeake currently is living with Wheeker and Truffles after getting a clean bill of health from her vet. She loves her new roommates and is always ready to play with them, even when they would rather sleep. She has now decided that she loves romaine lettuce since Wheeker and Truffles love it so much, but she still loves endive and rolled barley most of all.
Her favorite pastimes are jumping around like a hot bag of popcorn, racing laps around the Piggie Palace, and sitting on her humans' shoulder. Her middle name is "Energy." She seldom stays still for very long, unless she is cuddling one of her humans under their chins. If you would like to write to her, please send e-mail to her at She still does not sit still long enough to answer her e-mail, but Wheeker has graciously volunteered to answer her mail.